Profile Info
Life Numerology (Pythagorean) / Astro-Numerology / Chinese- Numerology
25 Years
He has a background of B.Sc (H) Mathematics (Kirori Mal College, Delhi Univ.) / PGDCSA (NIIT) / Numerology Practitioner Certificate (Udemy) and a Computer Software professional & Corporate experience of 20 years in various organizations handling different profiles (till senior levels) including Data processing & Software Programing / Customer Support / Training / Sales Administration / Marketing & Business Operations. His inner urge finally forced him to venture in Astro-Numerology to understand the finer nuances of Life & Destiny and how and when events unfold in life over which one seldom has any control. He has been practicing and researching as a professional Numerologist for many years and provide a lifetime report (based on the combination of person’s DoB and Name) to his clients describing them as to how they can achieve their best in life. He believes that “Self Development leading to Soul development is the rationale behind Scientific Numerology”!!!