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Allison RoseOffline

  • Australia

Profile Info

Date of Birth


Areas of Expertise

Numerology, Reiki

Marital Status





My upbringing was spiritual, involved with numerology and astrology from an early age. While reading numbers for others I have many people ask me to assist with business names, stage names, married names and baby names.  In 2014 I wrote the book ‘Its the Name That Counts’ because of an 11:11 baby whose parents felt the pressure of naming, and because numerous people would come to ask for assistance on whether to change their name or not. Numerology has always been a big part of my life, it’s the difference between life flowing or pushing against it, when you understand your numbers you give yourself permission to be you and understand those around you. Its important to understand the cycle you are in, best times to travel, to work, to reflect. Numerology assists with all aspects of life. Love and light. Allison Rose xoxo


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